Tim Smith: Interests, Projects and Work
For as long as I can remember I have been obsessed with the topics of simplicity, complexity, memory, individuation, knowledge, creativity, art, randomness, learning, cognition, psychology, minds and brains. I’ve been lucky to spend many decades studying, working and creating around these topics in various segments of the cognitive sciences, arts and humanities.
I have several active areas of research, design and long-term projects: Simplicity, Complexity (and their endless combinations: Simplexity), memory, personality formation, enriched learning environments, travel, culture exploration, software experiences supporting the exploration of dynamic complex systems, installation art, projection mapping, autobiographical writing, photography, lifelong learning, knowledge engineering, note-taking, tutoring systems, personal knowledge agents, intelligent database design, applied AI; interdisciplinary, associative and integrative learning, entrepreneurial lifelong learning, psychology, neuroscience.
For a more fun and somewhat less pretentious :) bio go here -> Tim Smith: Flock Of Photons
Areas of work:
Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience:
Human Learning, Attention and Memory
Human brain imaging
Virtual Reality and Virtual Worlds
Software Development, Design and Project Management
Knowledge Engineering
Intelligent Learning Environments
Electronic Journaling environments and methodologies for memory, learning.
"Designs on Knowledge" Ongoing project - being merged with “Infinity Aware Design”
Experimental Design Authoring software in Psychology, Neuroscience, Eye-Tracking and Virtual Reality
Grant management for joint projects including NIH (National Institute of Health), DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), ONR (Office of Naval Research)
Small-Infinities; Infinities Aware Design
Small-Infinities Mixer
Light Runner: Experimental Installation Art generator for Small-Infinities
B.S. Psychology, Honors, University of Pittsburgh
Course tracks and honors projects in
Functional Brain Imaging
Behavioral Psychology, Human Attention, Visual System
Indian History and Culture
Russian History and Culture
Computation in the Humanities
Computer Science
Recent involvements:
Duke Kunshan University: Lab and Projects Manager: Humanities Research Center.
Duke University: Consultant in digital humanities and installation art
Small Infinities Start Up
Tim Smith: Online Ecosystem
This: Small-Infinities
An exploration of the human as:
a dynamic complex system
a dancer on the edges of Simplicity and Complexities
an infinite system
Designer and owner
Personal and team journaling, travel and photography website. Shared with Kathy Robertson: my wife and my travel, writing and photography partner. Kathy and I are experimenting with ways to share our work as a team.
Designer and co-owner (https://www.flockofphotons.com/)
Big Sky Café - Integrated Psychology of Learning, Self-Development and Happiness
Content from Big Sky is being rolled into Small-Infinities and Flock of Photons.
Cognitive Science, Neuroscience, Knowledge Engineering, Complex Systems, Game Theory, Journaling, Intelligent Learning Environments, Attention, Memory, Personality, Culture, Language, Aesthetics and Art
Designer and owner (Content from Big Sky is being rolled into Small-Infinities and Flock of Photons)
Software Environments Connecting Personal Knowledge, Experience and Memory.
Journaling, interdisciplinary learning, self-directed learning
Designer and owner (Content from Designs On Knowledge is being rolled into Small-Infinities and Flock of Photons)