Mission Aware Design

When Small-Infinities like you and me have missions, dreams, hopes, vision, passion; our missions become small infinities, with the power, eloquence and space that small infinities naturally create.

Small-Infinities taps into the driving principles of Infinity Aware Design to help express and unfold our missions into the spaces of the world and the spaces of those we want to reach.

Create the world and the future into which your mission can unfold, find eloquence, find voice, find its way and thrive.

The Mission Aware Design Cycle

Like the Mixology Cycle, Mission Aware Design is a continuous, cyclical, evolving process.

  1. Sit: Get to know what you sense about your mission, why it is important to you, why it drives you, what it can do. Sit with it. Spend time with it.

  2. Map: Visualize and spend time in a future into which your mission has unfolded. Map out the geography and terrain of that world. This is a world that spacious and rich enough for your mission to live, grow, thrive.

  3. Collect: Discover and collect a growing number of ways to capture and express the most exciting, most interesting, most dynamic parts of the world your mission lives in. These are windows and paths into the world of the mission.

  4. Zoom Out and Expand: Expand the Mission World beyond the mission. Zoom out to find higher-road, larger conceptualizations which are bigger than you, bigger than your specific mission, and spacious enough to contain your mission and the paths that lead to views of your mission. This is the Universe of your mission. A universe in which the mission has the space, and the potential, to naturally and organically unfold, emerge, express itself … forever.

  5. Pointing: Continually create the visualizations, the vehicles, more windows, more paths that live in the Universe and “point to” the places in the universe where your mission is unfolding. The pointing may be direct, or, more powerfully, tangential, glancing, serendipitously, emergent.

  6. Invite: people to your world to experience the mission as it unfolds into its world and its universe.

    ….Repeat: Small Infinities like you and me can never use up the number, eloquence or richness of the worlds, paths, and universe that hold our mission. We are always bigger than any mission, any dream. We have the right to spend our lives building the private and public worlds into which the beauty of our sense of mission unfolds.